How can Live Chat help you?

Live chat has become a standard feature for many businesses aiming to meet the expectations of today’s digital-savvy consumers.

Live chat essentially is a real-time communication method. It allows individuals or businesses to interact with each other online. It’s a feature that is often used on websites or platforms to provide immediate assistance or support to users. 

So you might be thinking why are we seeing more Live Chat? And should you be implementing live chat into your website? Read on to find out!

How does Live Chat work?

Integrating Live chat into your website can be easier than you think. The first step is to pick a live chat software to use. We always recommend a free tool called

‘Ranked #1 with a 98% customer satisfaction score, millions of people use to interact with billions of customers’- Forbes

One reason we recommend is because it is just so easy to set up and use! Once you sign up, it walks you through the setup. Once this is done, you will be offered an integration code for your website.

For there are just 3 easy steps to follow:

  • 1 minute-set up

Simply copy and paste a line of JavaScript to the HTML of your website and the chat widget starts working immediately.

  • Start chatting 

You have to sign into the dashboard to invite members of your team, create shortcuts, and start chatting with your users. 

  • Track Progress

You can use to track your team’s progress over time. It also allows you to review chat history and check performance in analytics. allows you to answer chats from your mobile device, localise messages in your language, and respond quickly with shortcuts. 

What are the benefits of Live Chat?

Live Chat plays a crucial role in the current digital landscape for several reasons: 

Increased satisfaction 

Live Chat is so convenient for users as they can get quick responses without having to email or make phone calls. With instant/ real time communication, customers get responses to their queries instantly, improving customer satisfaction. 


Availability is taking the lead in 2024. Live chat makes it easy for customers to reach out regardless of time or location. This can lead to improved brand credibility as users know you are dedicated to customer service. A strong brand image increases customer loyalty and retention. 


Live chat can be more cost-effective compared to traditional customer support methods like phone support and email support. Staff can handle multiple chat sessions simultaneously, reducing the need for a large support team.

Data collection

Live chats often collect valuable data and insights about customer interactions, preferences, and pain points. This can be used by businesses to make informed decisions, potentially improve products or services, or addressing key questions to enhance customer engagement strategies and improve brand credibility. 

Competitive advantage 

Offering Live chat demonstrates a commitment to providing accessible and responsive customer interactions. This can give a business a competitive edge. 

Types of Live Chat systems

There are so many different types of live chat solutions available in the market today, each catering to different business needs and preferences. Different types of live chat can be more beneficial to certain industries. 

Basic-level chat widgets:

These are simple widgets that can be added to any website. They are ideal however for smaller businesses or startups looking for straightforward chat solutions to save money and time. 

Social Media Messaging Integration:

This is a system that is integrated with social media messaging platforms. A lot of businesses focus more on their social media marketing compared to web marketing. In this case, alot of client communication may come through their social media channels. A social media messaging integration system is used for businesses to manage customer interactions in one centralised location. 

Enterprise-level Live Chat systems:

These are most likely found on feature-rich platforms with advanced capabilities. They are used for larger businesses with complex needs such as analytics, customisation, and CRM system integration. 

Video chat Platforms:

This is an advanced Live chat feature for businesses who want to provide a more customised and interactive support experience. You can find these platforms on websites dedicated to e-commerce or technical support. 

Upcoming trends in Live Chat

So we now know, what live chat is, what the benefits of live chat are, the different types of systems, and how you can implement them into your business and website. As tech is CONSTANTLY developing further, Live chats will likely continue to progress too. Here are a few upcoming trends you should be aware of in the Live Chat world.


Chatbots are becoming more sophisticated, integrating emotional intelligence to better understand and respond the users’ emotions. This is making interactions more empathetic and human-like. For businesses growing this is an amazing tool to save time and money.

Integration with CRM systems

The interaction of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and customer support platforms will provide a comprehensive view of customer interactions and enhance the overall customer experience. 

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes computer-generated information, such as images, sounds, or other data. In terms of live chat, this could include implementing visual assistance or product visualisation on e-commerce websites. This allows users to see products in their real-world environment before purchasing.


Live chat is revolutionising the way businesses and users interact on the internet. The convenience, personalisation, and efficiency of Live Chats are shaping customer service and overall user engagement. Are you considering integrating your website with live chat features? 

Are you ready to shift your business? Contact our design experts to see how we can help!