DeType Logo

Their track record and the fact that I love working with the team made it a very easy decision to bring them in.

Project Manager

Good Logistics

Creative Direction, Branding, Video,
Web Design, Web Development

John Good shipping, a family-owned shipping business was founded in 1833 and specialised in port and liner agency services. This award-winning business has grown enormously over the last decade evolving into a full-service logistics company. Alongside shipping services, they now provide freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution and are heavily focussed on digital and tech solutions.

Much of this growth over the past 10 years was organic but there were also many strategic acquisitions which resulted in the company having several brands under the โ€˜John Good shippingโ€™ umbrella. Offering numerous shipping and logistic services, with different names meant their brand wasnโ€™t clear to the end-user. The same was true for the staff, who were not always clear about the organizationโ€™s brand and mission.

MIchelle had worked with DeType for about 10 years and had really enjoyed working with them in the past, so it made sense for her to approach DeType and see what they could do to help.

They are all really great, no hassle, straightforward, easy to deal with. Just a really great bunch of people who are creative and have produced some great stuff for us. We have some fun along the way as well!

Project Manager


Hitting the spot

Good Logistics as they are now known, needed DeType to help them with a re-brand. They wanted to reflect all the companies and elements, but also bring the brands together into one name. The aim was to eliminate confusion, and clearly communicate who they are today.

Some progress had been made on the research and development of the new brand already, but work had been postponed by the initial Covid outbreak. The company was keen to get the project back on track, so it was put into the hands of DeType to bring it to life.

Consolidating all these different companies into one simple brand was the task at hand along with creating a new website that was fresh and modern. Their extensive and varied services needed to be brought together to create clarity for the staff and their customers, and it was important for them to get all this information into an easy-to-use website without overwhelming the user.


Lots of research had been done previously, who they were and who they wanted to be, but they hadnโ€™t nailed it, they didnโ€™t yet have a brand that resonated. DeType reviewed the information and agreed that they could help, and came up with a plan for how they could bring the project to life. Coming up with fresh ideas to further develop it, including the branding, the logo, the font, and colour scheme. This involved several brainstorming sessions where all ideas were put out there and bounced off each other, eventually coming up with the all important brand message.

DeType were really patient with us and helped us make the most of what we could in difficult circumstances.

Project Manager

The hardest part was figuring out the message, which at the time was fragmented. There were great elements to the company, and numerous services, but what is it that made their customers value them and keep coming back?

It turns out it was the people.

A team that actively listens to their customers and understands what they need, plus their very own charitable foundation supporting the local community. All of this was built on and included in their overall message.

DeTypeโ€™s process is very informal with a friendly team and being able to bounce their ideas around with creative people really worked for Michelle and her colleagues. Just being able to pick up the phone and discuss an idea was a huge plus point. With Michelle and Jenny both working part-time DeType became an extension of their team, happily dealing with last minute curveballs!

It was a team effort as they were limited with the resources they had too, it wasnโ€™t without itโ€™s challenges, but we got there in the end.

Project Manager

The restrictions during the pandemic however, meant that getting any photos or video footage was extremely difficult, they couldnโ€™t go to any offices, and everyone had to work on the project remotely. Both teams settled into remote working very quickly and it was very much a collaborative effort. DeType produced a last-minute video from a handful of photographs that were taken in one location, showing that they could still provide high quality work with the limited resources on offer.

DeType’s approach was clear and no-nonsense, describing who Good Logistics are with a great brand. The down-to-earth and common-sense approach is how this project turned into a huge success. The overall attitude was letโ€™s just get stuck in and get the job done.

They just get it. Youโ€™re not spending ages explaining something, getting on the same page. Iโ€™ve always found that they just understand what we are trying to achieve.

Project Manager


Good Logistics were at a point where it had taken so long to deliver, they just needed someone to get them there. With time short and lockdown restrictions in place the process was pared down, but with Sam and DeTypeโ€™s professionalism and efficiency they hit the ground running and picked up where the other agency had left off. Sam and the team delivered with no faff and nonsense.

I trust the team implicitly; they always do what they say they are going to do and always deliver.

Project Manager

Good Logistics are delighted with the result. The feedback from their customers and staff is extremely positive.

As well as better communicating the companyโ€™s proposition, itโ€™s really helped with staff engagement, bringing all employees together under a single brand, a united team.

The website looks modern and professional, the branding looks great, and it really stands out against its competitors. Theyโ€™ve now got a wealth of content they can use for social media campaigns, and they can point it all to the new website with confidence.

Michelle and Jenny are thrilled that they have finally achieved a successful re-brand, something people feel proud to be associated with.

Itโ€™s given us a lot to build on for the future, people are excited about the possibilities and where we are going to go next.

Project Manager

Jenny believes it has given them possibilities that they can build on, with the new brand and the website, bringing it into social media and video marketing. Previously they wouldnโ€™t have been proud to direct people to visit the website, but now they actively encourage people to go and find out more.
Thank you DeType for all of your hard work and we will keep coming back to you Iโ€™m sure, with lots of new projects and new ideas!

Jenny and Michelle
Project Managers

Are you a scaling business needing to take your brand up a gear?